First off we headed off to Newcastle Emlyn, just over the border into Carmarthenshire. Little Man came too so Daddy had a few hours to himself to finish off a book he is reviewing.
Well the visit was not a disappointment . Melanie you would have LOVED it...Cross Patch
has opened a shop and in my excitement I forgot to take a picture!!!!!!!!
But the website is
And it was AMAZING.......a double fronted shop, it has a huge room for work shops and 3 smaller rooms filled and I mean filled with my idea of sewing heaven. Kits, charts, stitcheries, felt , notions , buttons, stuff I have only seen at quilt shows. Loads of Australian designers like Birdhouse, Hatched and Patched, Cinderberry stitches and some I hadn,t heard of.
Well it goes without saying I has to partake in a bit of retail therapy excuse being Christmas is coming and I need to get making !!!!! I bought some charts for stitcheries, fabric for Christmas , a couple of presents , some Welsh buttons , and a scrap bag. I love scrap bags , again with a Christmas theme.
So this is what I bought
I just love this stitcheries book.
And also a set of Lizzie Kate seasonal basket charts, all 4 for Β£8 which I thought was super value.
We did a little bit more shopping for general bits and even saw Christmas selection boxes in the Co-Op,!!!!!!!! I was not happy π!!!!
Of course the kids saw them and of course I was the meanest mummy in the world when I refused to buy them!!!! I will not be blackmailed ....Christmas cards last week and now those , and tins of sweets, biscuits and even Christmas makes me spit feathers. Instead the kids had a ice cream.....but it won,t be long until all the decorations start going up I expect!!!
Afterwards we drove home but not before stopping at the next village as it was the yearly produce show. Little Man was not impressed as it was obviously eating into his valuable IPad time!!!
They were just finishing off the dog show and we saw these Little chaps and lasses....
these two on the left are 14 weeks old
huge big brown cute
Mum is on the right
The owner is a breeder but I kid you not
She has about 12 of her own'!!!
She absolutely adores them to bits.
She was here last year
And shows her dogs off at various shows
Even Crufts I believe.
We haven,t taken Dexter yet. He is
As most Dally's are
Truely terrible on the lead
We have tried everything
And he just pulls
And at 38 kilos
that is quite a weight to be dragged along by!
Maybe next year.
Then we went inside to see
the craft and produce section.
A couple of the Craft group ladies nagged me again
Asking why I hadn,t put something in....
The trouble is when I finish something I always see
Something that I could of done better
Do you find that?
but maybe next year I will be brave enough...
I have told Little Miss she should display
Some of the things she makes too..
There were only about 7 entries
but a lady started chatting to me
And I think we have a new recruit for
Our tiny craft group and
She told me about another brand new
group about 6 miles away..
So I need to find out about that
And I know a lady who lives in that village
So will give her a ring.
This cushion was very pretty and finished really well.
I love black and white photos
Massive onions and tomatoes
(The photo doesn,t show just how big they were )
And it wouldn,t be a Welsh produce show
Without the national vegetable
Leeks !!!
After 18 months I feel now
that I am getting to know people
And them us.
It is very much a Welsh speaking community here
but we are never ignored and
they chat away happily with us in English.
We tried Welsh lessons
last year , well that is a story for another time!!
Last night I snapped these
the evenings are getting chilly
But we far not put the heating on
But husband has got
The gas and oil all topped up
Just in case. It won't be long.
I bumped into our handyman gardener
at the show...
raised beds discussed ,
he is going to price
some up and get back to me .
Even he was impressed with the great patio/pot
clear up !!! Praise indeed!
when he popped around yesterday
evening to trim one of the banks.
It has been a great, busy , creative week.
Halloween swap ready for posting
Goodies from Newcstle Emlyn
smuggled in
without hubby seeing!!!
Sweet words from my Little Man
I love weeks like this...
See you soon
Lovely buys I will have to see about a visit there, I love the fabric with the chickens on.
ReplyDeleteI sure your work is good enough to enter :-)
It is a lovely shop. Market day is on a Friday too. Xx
Deleteisn't it wonderful to find a shop that was ... almost.. made just for YOU xx Glad to see you managed a bit of shopping xx
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely lol!!! Xx
Deletefabulous shopping. And I had no idea leeks were Welsh!
ReplyDeleteOoo Maria a new shop. I might have to pop down at some point and take a look for myself :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't been down for a few years so it's defiantly on the to do list. X
I never went to the farm, but the shop is amazing!! Xx
DeleteOh wow what fabulous buys lucky you, definitely going to check out the link! Of course your work will be good enough to enter - don't miss the next one xx
ReplyDeleteThank you...I will have a go next time.xx
DeleteReally youΒ΄ve had a very busy Saturday!. I love your shopping!!
I have been to Cross Patch in the past, I do like Newcastle Emlyn I will look out for the shop next time I go to Cardigan.