
Monday, 31 August 2015


In the suitcases I found this tin
Another big smile because 
It contains my fountain pens.
I thought it had got lost in the 
When I write in my 
diary, planners
And to do lists I love using
Old fashioned ink.
The pens weren,t expensive  but I haven,t
Replaced the one,s I thought I had lost 
So it was nice being re united
And I,m looking forward
To using them again.

I do love piggies
Last month it was my birthday
And I got not one but two surprises
From my husband and the children


They are made by a local artist here and everyone is unique.
I had spotted the piggies
A month or so earlier when we drove past 
But thought nothing of them 
Until on my birthday morning I had 2 very heavy parcels 
To unwrap.

My husband had preserved them 
And will have too again
Probably once or twice a year 
So he was told by the artist 
and when the frost comes 
They will have to be put away 
as otherwise the wood may split.
They stand on big slabs of slate 
Under the apple tree and 
Look very much at home.
The artist is now trying to sell a massive bulldog and
A bear 
My piggies are really heavy so I can only imagine how heavy those
Monsters are..and what to do with them in the 
No I will settle for my two and next birthday maybe 
Another may join them ???
Wink wink!!

I'm pleased some of you were able to take advantage of 
the discount code for Sew and Sew.
I was tempted too
And am looking forward now 
To those endless winter evenings 
And to making some Christmas  
Presents .

I often hear of various discount codes for 
Fabric shops to , when I do I will let you know.

Today we are popping down to Llangrannog to meet up with friends.
I'm looking forward to hearing some gossip 
And how life is back in London.

I can,t believe August is nearly over
I have really enjoyed the summer holidays 
And arriving here in Blogland 
And meeting all you wonderful people

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Not as much progress as I hoped...

the morning started really well.....

I cleared the table both in the dining room and annex, wow I thought I'm on a roll! But no. As is one of my naughty habits I get distracted , and this time I got distracted big time!!!

First hubby was back and forth as he was asking about Apple sauce making and was I sure I wanted crumble and not Apple pie.  After the third visit I gave him my "go away" look and he was not seen again in my sanctuary for the rest of the day !!!

Then memories of Kent....
Well we had a fantastic charity shop in a posh bit of town that always had great China etc.  one day I saw two suitcases, they looked 1970,s era but looked like new and smelt fresh and new too and we're going cheap and as I often do I had a plan to store fabric in them day!  Anyway when they came here they had been placed in the back room of the annex .  Yesterday I decided I would gets the new scented satchels out, the suitcases and put the fabric into the suitcases.  Well I didn,t think there was anything to note in either, but boy there was and what a lovely hour I had going through them.

First I found Mrs Puddleduck tin.
Now I bought her at a boot fair over 5 years ago.
I have a matching China spoon too and
just thought the tin was empty
It still had the price on it 75p.

When I opened it , it was stuffed with
Bubble wrap


When I removed it I found these.

These plates are about 2 inches 
In diameter

Mickey and friends 
Are plastic 
But have great details

All the rest of these 
Creatures are

Lots and lots of little miniatures,
I felt a little sad 
It must of been a child's 
Secret treasure box one day.
I hope they decided to 
Sell it and some grown up 
Didn,t do a clear out 
Without them knowing.

I found 
Lots more WIP's 

And vintage bits and bobs 
I'll share another time (or two!!)

But I filled both suitcases
Again such a distraction...
Some fabrics from 
Dresses belonging to 
Little Miss 
As a baby 
That I just loved the fabric of and just 
Had to keep..

I have placed lovely scented sachets inside 
To keep everything fresh 
And moth free.

And I even managed to 
Lay out the craft table 
So not a completely wasted few hours .

Do you ever buy something second hand 
And wonder about it's previous life
Or is it just me?

Hope your weekend 
Is everything you're hoping for 

See you soon

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Cross stitch bank holiday offer

A new e mail popped up today and I know so many of you lovely people stitch and I thought you might be interested.

This company sell charts, kits, material, you name it they have a great selection. So when I saw they
are  offering a 10% discount this bank holiday weekend..the discount code is BANK10., I thought I'd let you all know.I have found this company really good and they despatch really quick., usually I receive my order the next day!

This little sign I have had for years
She was hung up yesterday
And I always smile 
When she is in residence!

Well today I'd rather like to be doing a bit of this
Dexter having a good itch 
Yesterday whilst we we about to 
Pick the apples



I have this to finish!

My dining room.
It looked like this on Monday 
And isn,t quite that bad now
( I hope you don,t think I never clean or tidy my home!!!)
It,s just I like to spread out when 
I'm crafting.

If I finish it today my reward
........Apple crumble
One of my few pudding vices!

Well this won,t get anything done

Back soon


Friday, 28 August 2015

New to preserving...?? This lady knows her stuff...

as harvest time approaches......

Whether you are new to preserving or have some,left overs  , Dawn over at this great blog
Has over her last few posts explained the very serious/dangerous pitfalls of not getting preserving right.  She has posted great advice in a very down to earth , understandable sort of way, (well I think so ) and posted tutorials and some lovely recipes.   I must admit I,m not into preserving or haven,t been up to now , but I know if I had had a go I would of got it very wrong, so please have a look and even if  preserving is not your thing , her recipes alone always look  scrummy.  Dawn and her husband have a smallholding , animals and the goings on that occur there make for good reading .  In fact I think she must have the energy of an ox , I wish she could bottle that and share it! Dawn also has a linked craft blog too, as I said worth visit when you can.

We inherited miniature Apple trees, a old apple tree
And a pear tree when we moved
This little lot we picked from the miniatures today
Please don,t ask me what they are
We haven,t a clue
(But they smell lovely) 
DH has promised me a apple crumble tomorrow
Yummy just yummy!

Thank you for all your lovely comments on the last couple of posts.  The school uniform is done
much to little man's disgust!! He protests how much he hates school but apparently he enjoys it when
he is there.  He makes me laugh when he lays in bed until 8.30ish every day just to make sure it would be too late for him to go to school (even if it is during school holidays. ) He obviously has a plan and I can,t help smiling and up to now haven,t burst his bubble of  what he thinks is his victory in not going to school!!!
I don,t know why but these holidays I have been up with the lark, but have so enjoyed those hours
when the house it quiet, I can post or blog read and just have a coffee in peace.  DH asked what
I'm going to do when the children are back at school and we return to the usual running around like headless chicken sort of mornings? I don,t know but am sure not looking forward to it that's for sure.
Little Miss is still a little quiet.....keeps checking things over and over with me, but I,m taking her the first day and she seemed relieved at that.  It seems such a milestone...where does time go?

Today I found the table in the annex...but then emptied the dining room so lost it again!!!  It was a little bit like 2 steps forward and 4 back but even little Miss spent some time in there today listening
to hits of the 80's with me .  So today was a bonus as I didn,t think I would do the annex today and tomorrow more time,in there., but the best bit lovely time laughing , joking and mummy and daughter time !

Well I must be on a roll, two posts in one day!!! But the preserving thing is SOOO important.

                  See you soon .xxxx

Boring sewing just has to be done!

school uniform time has boring.

I hate ironing and putting labels on school uniform and today I will have to do both as the uniform sewing fairy has not turned up for work!  The uniform was collected yesterday and we are all ready to go but still minus the trainers which we hope to get on Tuesday.

As promised here are the 3 completed WIP,s ......

All Lizzie Kate charts
My favourite is the one on the right!

Yesterday I found out my swap partner for yet another swap (I know another!!!) It will be with Ellie
Her blog is lovely so pop over if you can
This swap is a Seasons Swap organised by Kimberley over at
as you probably might remember I did her last Dishcloth/mug rug swap too.

Well we have a few plans for the weekend, it is a Bank Holiday , here in the uk.  We have a friend / former workmate of DH who is staying nearby so we plan to catch up with him over the weekend and the kids have a party at a friends house on Sunday.  Tomorrow hopefully a day to potter in the annex and finish moving stuff from the dining room. I love it in there now ......hopefully by this time next week it will be ready to show you.  I know I am very lucky to have this spare space and it is about time I used it for what I planned.

Yesterday , lovely apples and runner beans
Nearly ready to be picked 

A little bit of  sunshine
In between the showers 
And our handsome boy not missing the 
chance for a play.

See you all again soon


Thursday, 27 August 2015

A bit of this and that

Before I begin my computer or most likely me has a glitch!

After the pictures of the sewing there is a large gap before more text.  I have spent ages to no avail trying to delete this space, so please bear with me and keep going... I haven't just  stopped in mid air.....sorry

Where have the summer holidays gone? I love having my little ones home, I love watching them play, amuse themselves and us, they both have such a great sense of humour ( often to me and DH's expense it seems !!!!) we seem to have time to chat lots which it seems we do less when they are back at school...and grow of course, my they both seem a couple of inches taller and little man's trousers from last term prove that!

 The craft room is still in progress.  Now at least I know in principal where everything is so no more duplication buying for sometime which I have been guilty of previously.

My dining room was being used as my make do craft room, but now I have been emptying that too and it has been so easy being able to put that stuff straight away..yippee..a light at the end of the tunnel. We may just may have a dining room used for dining by the that would be progress.

I soon have to get my Halloween swap sorted.  I have found the patterns (another yippee), but decisions, decisions which one to choose.  I have got some new Halloween fabric which I showed you last time as I haven,t had any before. So I just need to get cracking as I take the swap pledge very seriously and don,t ever want to let someone down.

My kids love Halloween,
I think they just love the costumes 
And the little party I do
But as Little Miss will now
Be in High School
Not sure if she'll want to 
this year.

This is the pledge as posted by Cheryll (pledge icon  on my side bar with Cheryll's blog).for people
taking part in swaps ... I am doing Cheryll's Christmas Santa Sack for the last time .  I have shared
her pledge post it is....

I (insert name) will try my utmost...
Β·        To always swap on time.
Β·        To always email a THANK YOU to my partner.
Β·        To be considerate and thoughtful when choosing a gift.
Β·        To give my partner the quality of gift that I would like to receive.
Β·        To communicate when it’s required.
Β·        To NEVER over commit and let a partner down.
Β·        To advise the swap mama when I receive my gift.

I think this sums up the fun to be had, the etiquette and the spirit of a swap.

              A WIP...finished 

And another 

These two and another 
Have finally been 
I know nothing for weeks

Then ...

And like London buses

You wait and wait and then 3 
Come at once
Will show them 
Made up next time

No 3

These are the last 
Of the Christmas 
Fabrics and trims

No excuse now 

I am so looking forward 
To get making with 
This little lot

The great fire of Nantwich 

Well these two books are what I've been 
reading recently.
One a history book, the other just a coffee table sort of book.
The above is about Nantwich and the sort of book you can pick up and down as you fancy.
I am always torn between crafting 
and reading
the house has been too busy recently to 
"Loose myself in any heavy reading so the 
And this little pretty 
Have been perfect for that 
In between reading time.

This book was recommended 
by Kimberley
(Creative  chaos nz blog)

It's called "snail mail"
Again a browsing  sort of book 
Good ideas for letter writing
Plus some free stickers

I love books like this
And craft books 
And now they are all nicely 
Together in one bookcase
Great for inspiration 
Looking forward to 
Reading them again.

Well that's all for now 

See you soon

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

A little bit of Chester

A bit more for the stash and a few more irresistibles

I love Chester! I've now been twice and still haven,t seen all I want to.  I love the buildings, the history, the shopping oh and the cakes!

Now I am not a pudding or chocolate
Sort of girl, give me a sausage roll 
Any day of the week
I had the above and it was

My beautiful girl had this
And little man 
He had ice cream
Nothing fancy for him
And my DH
Well he has a strawberry gateau 
Sort of thing and he had half eaten it by the time I got my camera out 
So no picture I'm afraid!!!

A postcard , my DH  took some
Photos but it was busy
And you couldn,t see this very well
As there were loads of 
People in the way.
The postcard gives a better view

A couple of fabrics for Christmas 

Mr Rooster

I was delighted to find this. 
I have the panel but for some reason 
Didn,t get the fat quarter
But found it in Chester 

Little man has adored sheep ALL 
His life and when I 
Found these I couldn,t resist 
Now what to make him..decisions , decisions!!!

And then

I just loved this fabric
And just got it .
Couldn,t resist

The below ribbon too
That just says it all
(Lol , sums me up to a tee!!)

And a bit of hocus pocus

I had no Halloween stuff at all so 
As I have a Halloween swap to get on with VERY 
Some ribbon

A little something to inspire me..

I know my secret
Swap partner won,t be looking 
So I can share.

Some more Chester

More postcards

Well the last couple of days have  whizzed by.  We saw Minions at the cinema on Monday...
Little man laughed and laughed
Lots of popcorn and some weird coloured blue 
Ice drink for Little Miss
Pizza at nearby pizza restaurant,
Took a wrong turn on the way home but saw some beautiful 
Sunshine (yes sunshine..where did that come from !!!)
And Carmarthen countryside
Always nice to do a detour!!!
the rest of the day spent 
relaxing...just a perfect day.

Yesterday ALL the paperwork done, filed, posted ..yippee
How I detest paperwork.
Letters and cards  written and sent too!

And I even made this 

A little hand pieced pin cushion 

And found this
I know I did this whilst on holiday in Cyprus 
In 2012!
Onto the ever increasing pile of 
WIP's it goes !!!

And I love making 
Scissor fobs 
(Probably because I seem to be forever losing scissors down the side of my arm chair!!)
This little sweetie 
Is of the story of the gingerbread man
I used charms including the cow and goose 
All mentioned in the story.
I am getting a little collection going
in fact!
I will share some more 
I have made in future posts.
After all a crafter just can,t have too many scissors or pin cushions 
Can she ????

Well on that happy note
I'll finish now

See you soon


Sunday, 23 August 2015

Fancy a bit of fun?

Well I know some of you girls like swaps and here is one I think will be fun and is international.

It is being hosted by Sarah , her blog has all the details under "Swap 2015".  I love Sarah's shop and I,m sure you will too when you see all the goodies she sells.

Sarah's shop and blog is as shown above. You can send up to 6 decorations and each one will be posted to separate people.  

Also on the Swap 2015 Sarah has shown lots of photographs of  the lovelies that other people
posted in last year's swap, I didn,t take part then but I think I am going to this year. ( I have another 3 swaps to do already by the end of the year and stuff for the Christmas markets!!!!! But I,m not panicking YET lol.) I just love swaps and the lovely people you meet.

Sarah's blog and website helped me to develope one of my great sewing loves FELT ( as if I didn't have enough already!!!!). I love felt it is so forgiving when crafting .  Every year I try to come up with a new design for the Christmas markets I have a stall at.  Last year I came up with Erik the Elf.
He is all my own design and I am rather partial to my elves.

This is Erik
Who I made for Melanie
In the Christmas in July

Here is another on
His side

Sorry can,t get 
Him the right 
Way around!!!

I think he is having a lay down
Before the mad Christman Rush 
Ho ho ho!!!

I've a few more 
Felties that I have designed and made up
For this year
But it's only August 
So you'll have
To wait a little 
Longer until I share

Well another busy week ahead
The craft room is
Still very much in progress
But still a mess.

I am having a couple of days off doing fun things with 
the  children,
hopefully take some photo's to share, and doing that mountain 
of paperwork that keeps getting bigger!'

Wishing you a 
Happy , creative week dear friends.

See you soon 