
Thursday, 17 December 2015

As busy as a little elf.

wow, why is it days fly by when you wish they wouldn't and seem to takes for ages when you wish they would go quicker?  I'm feeling like that, so looking forward to the Christmas holidays yet the days are going so fast.  More unexpected last minute things cropping up. A dear neighbour whose husband is very poorly , needing a hug and a cup of TLC , a morning disappears, of course I don't mind ,  another reminder in the post, a few cards that the kids need to write but little man writes so badly and with difficulty and oh yes I would take seconds to do it but no I have to let him do it however long that takes.  He would happily opt out, but no, patience is apparently a virtue, one I do lack at times but not on this occasion .  His grip is as light as a feather and his writing is so light and faint.  He uses a keyboard so quick yet pencils unless he is drawing , well he just doesn't seem to want to hold them??? Occupational Therapy, Physio, we are all at a loss as to why .....but all now agree being 10 he is unlikely to improve much more in this department.

well this is me this week...

Hats made for the Christmas concert,  and it was fun...never made one before let alone two!!


I forgot how I love making pom poms..

A few more squares sewed....loving the red and white

Loving the little mat...ready for a certain Christmas plant which I will buy this weekend.......probably

Still waiting for two presents ordered two weeks ago to arrive..irritating..... But not the end of the world

beautiful candles burning, filling the air with the smell of cinnamon and spice....

Children opening advent calendars and checking off the exciting.

having coffee mid morning and looking at the radio times and although I am not TV mad , seeing some old movies
I may just have to see. ...hee  hee and drawing big circles around I big kid or what! My choices in red  and look like Rudolph noses.  , DH more neatly in blue.....

and the elves on the shelves arrived (these little characters are from a story written I think somewhere back in 2005ish....) anyway....
I love them.  My brother born nearest to me was 5 years older than, but I still remember we had something similar.  When I saw these, well I could not resist..I have told the children they help Santa
unpack the sleigh..."oh!!!!!!' " And "but they are small......they must be magic " and they are now in
the playroom "watching". And the kids love them..maybe as much as me.....  I have told the children (like the story) they tell Santa whether we have been naughty and good and that's why sometimes
when we come downstairs they are somewhere different because during the night they have like
magic popped back to tell Santa all the news and sometimes they forget where they were last sitting!!
Every morning I hear a pair of little voices giggling shouting "mummy they've moved again!! Where are they?"  More giggles as they run around trying to find them.  I love it, I think it brings me more smiles and giggles then them!

Anyway here they are

a boy and girl elf

Here are the lovely decorations Pilar made for 
me in the Christmas in July exchange
this year.
Loving the holly theme
especially as our village has a holly 
theme too..bushes of them 
down lots of the lanes..

I must admit we have acquired a few bits this year...not intentional but the white China animals were all around Β£3 each.....the elves a bit more than I expected but oh I love them!, and I know every Autumn and Christmas they will reappear and be loved. well we are not having made parties or "going mad" on presents for us, so "why not" I tell myself is Christmas after all and I never have much liked humbugs anyway!!!!!!

Christmas cushions ,and a couple of throws ,  a final touch ..... Now newly washed and on display...

Stockings hung off the staircase, we light the fire often and I always fear one stocking dropping onto it , so at this our still "new "house we hang them there...

Lists are not getting shorter yet!!! ....but they will especially when school finishes...

Presents still to wrap....

Mince pies  most days...

Tree lights still not to my liking!!! DH still laughing at me ...not fair!!!

Silly Christmas jumpers, hats and scarfs washed and ready to wear...even the kids this year rolling their eyes asking "do we have too? " !!!!

Little Miss first Christmas concert in her new unit... So proud, happy tears and two smashing kids running up to me out of the blue  and.  giving me a massive hug each for making the hats...
I sent in a few bits for the unit to have a little stall after the concert to raise funds for the new garden..
I think they sold most of it...more big smiles...

Loving reading blogs and seeing everyone else's Christmas , making  and anything festive in fact

I have received all my swaps now.... Exciting !!

and most of all we are healthy and happy and together...

See you soon


  1. Love the hats you have done a great job, my daughter has a shelf elf and he has been getting up to mischief the kids love it :-)

    1. Thank you Dawn, the elves has brought so much laughter and smiles to all of us.xx

  2. Maria, Thank you for the stitching gifts. you are so sweet for thinking of me. have a blessed Christmas. I am now following via email. cindy

    1. Dear Cindy, so pleased they arrive...hoping you feeling better and 2016 will be wonderful for

  3. sounds all go. I went to the boys' old school today for a wee presentation to me and I think their concert really got me into Christmas finally. I'd love hedges of holly, but alas not here. The hats look fab!

    1. Thank you out now and I can't wait .xx

  4. I love the elf on the shelf thingy. I wish it had been around when my kids were small. Am tempted to get one for the puppy lol. I know I have said this before but you are a blessed family. So much love and happiness in your home.

    1. Dear Maureen, thank you... We definately know how to have fun here , sometimes I wonder whether I will ever grow up!!! Xx

  5. Sounds like very busy, but happy times at your house! Hope that you keep enjoying it all and that your parcels arrive! Happy Christmas! xx

  6. We are having a happy time.xx duplicate parcels apparently on their way, hope they arrive in time
