
Monday, 28 December 2015

We jingled all the way...

Christmas Eve we were blessed with a rainbow.... But first blustery rain after a very dark start, but for a time blue skies appeared

the rainbow

was beautiful

The  big day started as it always has since their very first Christmas .  Me getting up and laying out the presents , putting the heating on and waiting and waiting and........then at 8.30ish I can't wait any longer so wake DH up and then wake up the children .  Am I the only mum that has to wake her children up on Christmas morning? No one can believe it as they say their kids wake them at some  unearthly hour and have to tell them  go back to bed! Not in this house..!!!

Anyway rewind a little to the night before...

Santa brought little man a proper size punch bag.  Well as we knew it was coming we bought  the
sand in to weigh it down.  Boy were those bags heavy! After seeing on Santa tracking that he was in Europe, the children put on their wellies and coats, put out the "magical" reindeer food on the drive and did Santa and Rudolph's treats.  Off they ran to bed, giggles all the way , no protests , no trying to get a few minutes extra to stay up they couldn't wait (or so it seemed ) to get into bed and THEN......

The punch bag was in a huge box so I should of guessed it too would be huge !
As it happened the base of the punch bag was very big but only had a small hole to fill it ! and oh the sand was wet when we opened the bag .... and we just knew we'd still be filling it come Easter if we used the sand and probably could only use a spoon with the hole so stupidly small. So we had to reject the sand idea and use water instead. So we topped up our glasses of fizz and using our kettle and the biggest jug and funnel we could find we started to fill it.. Then for the next hour we went back and forward to fill it.  Then I wrapped it and we sat down looked at each other and burst out laughing.  How many other parents like us were doing the same, figuring out how things worked,
how to assemble things , fitting batteries etc etc and knackered like us as a result!!! But it was a huge
success.... Our Little Man well I think we made his Christmas,
he opened his other presents and we had kept the playroom door when it was the punch bag
turn .....we blindfolded him , lead him into the play room and when he opened his eyes, he said " have you wrapped a human!!"  The punch bag top is the shape of a torso....well the fright on his face was so funny.. He thought we had wrapped up someone .I know I'm wicked  but it was really funny  and I laughed so much I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Little Miss too looked a bit worried , so we said "oh no unwrap him he can't breathe!!! " he tore the paper off, stood back ... And our reward was our little boy jumping up and down shouting "yes yes....I can do my training now" throwing his fists in the air ,  I have only seen him this happy once before and that was when we got Dextie.

Then after a quick tidy and bags of wrapping paper put out, a quick Hoover , order was restored .

DH and the children bought me scented candles, perfume and some other goodies including
a ceramic candle holder which is quite tall and makes a beautiful centre piece for the dining
room table at the moment, but will I think be moved to the fireplace mantel after Christmas.

Little Miss fancied her nails being painted, I did that....all sparkles ... One of her stocking fillers...DH pottered, I dressed the table... I did go for that stroll yesterday and my the holly centre piece this year was made with my sweet girl helping.

A very Christmas themed candle...

Santa brought DH some boxing gloves too and he and son had loads of fun playing sorry .."training" on the punch bag..boys and their toys. !!! Us girls watched telly, played games, I did some stitchery and helped my girl get to grips with sewing a little project of a fox.  For her it is hard but she isn't giving up and I am so proud of her...I will show you what it is when she has done a little more, the fox is sewn onto a wooden grid.

Dinner was lovely

and afterwards we all crashed out on the sofa , children playing with their new toys and things, us watching telly.  Dexter snoring by the fire after he had some turkey.  He is now a slim boy again having lost 4 kilos.!!!!The vet was really happy last week was hard for,dear Dextie but then you have to be cruel to be kind and we didn't want our boy to be fat and prone to all sort of nasties.  He has one kilo to go but even pupster needs a Christmas treat. He had a new Christmas pud toy and rope thing and spent the morning playing in his bed.

The kids had nibbles later but me and DH couldn't face it.  The fridge was  full and so were we.
The next day bubble and squeak discs were frozen..soup  and stock made and frozen and we have during the following days nibbled our way through the rest.

Boxing Day I planned and little as possible.  I did some more sewing, caught  up on a pile of
magazines , watched some telly and new movies the children received and we  just chilled.

I opened swaps too over the days and will post those over the next few posts otherwise you may get "swapped out!" To say I have been overwhelmed by the gifts given in the swaps.  is an understatement.

The weather here continues to be awful and I so feel for the poor people up north...never a good time to be flooded but at this time especially it must be heartbreaking.

I am craving a bracing walk near the sea so hope if we have a rainless hour or two we can escape to do that.
  I have my mum's birthday next week and want to sew her a little something. Sadly she is in a nursing home following a stroke several years ago and doesn't remember any of us now , but I will send a up to date photo of us , a little letter and her gifts .  I know the nurses will read it to her . , I used to ring her but that only caused her great confusion and upset , so now I no longer do that. One of my brothers will spend the day with her , but the rest of us have all moved all away, the furthest
living in Hong Kong and Phuket.

So as this year is pulling to a close , I am thoughtful over it's many events and the changes we have been through.  I don't make resolutions or plans for the New Year.  I have a little notebook where I have written down all the new things I would like to try to make,  and hope this year to plan a little bit better and get organised for birthdays etc.   I have spent lazy afternoons looking on craft blogs and Pinterest and have found so many inspiring ideas, lots saved and some printed off, but nothing written in stone... Just thoughts or dreams  ... I think I have achieved a lot this year for me... And I am excited about a new year, one thing for sure is I am never bored ..... and for the first time is many years I have photos now of things I have made and done here  since July at least....... new blogging friends and new blogs made and found.  , all.  have brought lots of smiles and happiness ....

If I don't get a chance to get back before the New Year , I wish you and all those you love a wonderful and peaceful New Year....let's hope it's a happy, fun one.

              Maria xx

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Twinkle twinkle little star...

Little Miss had her 12th birthday yesterday.....we had such a lovely day and lots of fun.

DH and I once we decided to start a family did not give any thought to when the baby may be born, needless to say when it happened Little Miss was due to be born early January, but, as these things go sometimes, complications happen . When a doctor tells you the baby has to come early and tells you it will be the 23rd December you do not argue.  I have always said I was given my own Christmas Angel and I am sure she was not going to miss out on one more Christmas than she had to!    It was really strange knowing exactly when your baby is going to arrive and pretty much the hour.  We spent the first week of her life in hospital.  Lots of other baby's were being born , obviously other people with our planning skills too.!!! Christmas morning one of the consultants brought his rather large broad (made me laugh as he obviously was in the right line of work...babies) and they all with the nurses sang us a selection of carols...I thought that was a very kind thing to do.

Oh the years like yesterday have whizzed by.   Presents, phone calls, lots of cuddles, board games  was the theme of the day.  We took Little Miss to a restaurant overlooking the sea for lunch and as you do chatted  and laughed and just had a nice time.  It wasn,t busy in the restaurant and so Little Miss was very happy that it wasn't noisey.   We came home, and a little while later .....

I made her cake ,
of course somewhere it had to
be pink
so I used her favourites,
pink smarties 
kit kat chocolate
I got a huge hug for this
and the biggest smile.

Little Miss is my "little star"
She has been so brave
and is 
so kind and loving.
Her favourite nursery rhyme
was always 
"Twinkle twinkle little star"
she has brightened our life
no end...
She is our own little

Happy birthday darling

Well the tablecloth will be freshly 
re washed and ironed.
Hopefully the stroll to find 
the greenery and holly.
Platters washed ..
finding on the net exactly 
where Santa is
and following his journey.

Later magic reindeer food 
sprinkled on the drive
(additional little food for the birds)

his jobs 
cooking the gammon,
turkey stock,
sausage rolls
cheese straws
mince pies

feeling peckish just writing
about it.

More birthday cake in between


Of course I can!!!
(Years of practice!!)

If he doesn't 
there is going to be 
big trouble

(Of course)


Wherever you are ,
From our home to yours 
Have a wonderful Christmas
Happy New Year.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Getting cosy

Hi everyone, how are you all doing?  I hope you are all way ahead with your Christmas things, (if  you celebrate Christmas of course), and your tinsel remains untangled!!!

Yesterday we all popped out to get things like cranberries, chestnuts and decided to go to Aberaeron instead of the big supermarket...I could not face queues...I am feeling rather chilled and intend to stay that way as much as I can thank you very much!!!! We got everything we wanted including husband's cheeses and locally made oatcakes...he was very happy when he came out of the deli with his little brown paper bag...he had sampled some new cheeses, one of which he bought which was very stinky and now in it's very own box in the fridge!  The turkey and veg DH is collecting today from the farm butchers and then hopefully apart from Little Miss' birthday we can snuggle down, really get cosy and hopefully not have to venture out for days!!!

Today I intend to spend at least a couple of hours having a bit of "me" time .  I seriously have two things to finish off and well I have decided I deserve a break!!! All the bits of making I had had planned are still waiting and we need to empty my stuff out of the dining room  to get the table "back" for Christmas lunch.  The table is always done by me and our sweet girl...she loves it especially when we get the crackers out and always wants balloons.

DH always (well apart from when we worked over Christmas....oh I do not miss that) 
does Christmas lunch and begins Christmas Eve....the house smells lovely and I put my feet up,
and he will need the dining table for when things begin coming out of the oven, so between today and tomorrow I need to finish off any last minute wrapping and relocate craft items back to the craft room.

Little Man has a cold and although 10 , it's flu apparently !!! I told him to put his slippers on , his reply " you do it, I am too ill mum". That was after he had been jumping around playing his Minecraft game like a bag of mad frogs, seriously he is a terrible patient.   
oh I do do hope DH doesn't get it...two sick men in one household , I will be running for the hills to save my sanity!!

I intend (if this rain ever stops) to have a stroll through the village in the next day or two to collect some holly and foliage...this is our second Christmas here and last year I made a little centre piece for the Christmas table and would like to try to do it again.  Our village has holly (in Welsh) as part of its name so it seems rather fitting and apt to have holly somewhere in our home.  Last year I had clusters doted here and there and it did look nice though we had to be careful of the berries because of our Dexter as they are poisonous and he will eat anything!

Here he is our  beautiful boy.

I hung his stocking up

his is of course the spotty one.
Dextie can be so vocal 
and when he saw it , oh it was funny,
he grabbed it and ran off
I grabbed it back
and I wish you could of heard 
the groans, grunts and
and funny noises as
I hung it up out of his reach
(He isn't allowed upstairs )

He is so funny
I just know he knows goodies 
get put in there.

Oh we love our spotty boy
never ever had a boy like him.
This is our 5th Christmas with him , 
at night he sits watching the lights..
I'm sure sitting near the fire going ,
lights twinkling is one of his favourite things.

Yesterday those  that took part in Amy's "love made our home" Christmas card swap linked their posts and I have enjoyed receiving lovely comments from bloggers who took part and doing the same  by visiting their blogs and commenting.  This community of ours is fantastic isn't it, ? if we girls ruled the world we could sort all the woes of the world out I'm sure.  Thank you Amy..this swap has spread a lot of happiness..have a wonderful Christmas and New Year....

Well this little tree displays the handmade decorations I have received and made too this year in swaps and decorations gifted to me.  It brings lots of smiles when I see it and wow what lovely ladies I have meet this year through the blog and swaps...very happy times.

Both mice have new scarves now

Lists what lists?  I only have one little list left..yippee ....and that is to remind me what to take out of the freezer on the 23rd for my lovely husband ...... Hope your lists are getting shorter and somewhere in this busy time you find time for "you".   Take care

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Mud but it's not glorious...

the heavens truely opened yesterday  (but to be honest I don't think they have closed for weeks!)
It poured down for hours, our down pipes were gushing water so fast at times it was spilling
 out of the drain covers.  We had big puddles on the drive though thankfully we are higher than the lane that slopes away from us, so it poured eventually away, but the lane had it's own little stream.

Our garden is waterlogged, has been for weeks, Dexter now does want to go out and when he does nips back in seconds.  This morning after I let him back In , mud everywhere !'thankfully I grabbed him just as he reached the carpet...mud and not remotely glorious.  His paws looked like he was wearing black little boots..... Before I had a chance to clean them the little sausage had also walked all over his bed,aargh as if I haven't got enough washing to do !!! The mop and bucket too seem to
be a permanent feature too in our kitchen at the moment ...we inherited a cream coloured floor , hardly ideal with a pupster and two kids.

On Friday pupster had he yearly jabs and afterwards we nipped down to the river walk at Newcastle Emlyn
He has to go back in 3 weeks for another top up booster.  The vet told us there are 2 new strains of a virus and that's why he needs this one off additional booster jab to protect if your dog hasn't had this additional jab it might be worth checking out with your vet if your dog needs it....this jab  is apparently new and I would hate for any dog to get one of these new nasties as these viruses are life threatening, and there have been a rise in cases.  This weather apparently hasn't helped as the virus
is mainly transmitted by rats and the bacteria is loving this wet yet mild weather!! Better to be safe than sorry.  Our vets sent out a letter last week but I don't know if this is common practice and of
course the countryside are full of vermin.

We have never walked at this park 
before, but the flow of the
river was VERY fast

And very high 

our little chap was a good boy
and kept away from the bank.

This is the castle in the distance 

We have not yet been here two years yet but we didn't have rain like this last year.  A few weeks ago a farmer from up nearer the main road said she was having huge problems with the sheep going lame .She was having to move them to higher ground, something she didn't really usually do (just in case worse weather like snow arrives) or want to but had no option. More work for her ,  the
sheep now need more care and probably additional feeding , and  making sure the lame ones don't get worse and of course the dreaded
vet bills too to treat them . she really wasn't moaning just stating facts .
 More and more rain forecast in the coming days is much worse Carmarthen way reading my friends blogs who also live in West Wales....  Today at least it bright  and so far no more rain.

With weather like this I do so think of the emergency services , district nurses, carers, elderly.  I am pleased we have little travelling left to do and am home for Christmas . A neighbour has Macmillan nurses coming in daily and when I dropped a paper in for her this morning she told me how far the night cover nurse had had to come .... I find it amazing and admire those that do so much for others.

Little Miss is 12 this week (she was supposed to be a January baby but complications meant she had to come early, I always say she didn't want to miss out on Christmas!!!)
and we have planned to take her out for lunch (she so loves eating out) that is one thing I hope we don't have to cancel as she is so excited.

Yesterday I didn't do one thing I planned.  I felt all day I was taking 1 step forward and 3 back.
I would start something and someone was calling  me to do or find something!!!!'   I complained to Amazon on Thursday about the two missing presents , they told me to let them know on Friday if they still hadn't arrived (two weeks after they were ordered and apparently despatched) well I did and
both orders were replaced and resent and arrived yesterday, so I have those to wrap.  I was really impressed with Amazon..never had anything go missing before   and couldn't fault their customer
service...makes a nice change.

On Thursday we saw this beautiful
display in a shop window in 

Thought I would share it with you

Hoping this finds 
you all well, 
& safe .

Friday, 18 December 2015

Llanerchaeron Christmas Fair... National Trust 2015

A girly day out .

Welcomed by carol singers
and they were really good.

Staff dressed in Victorian dress

Lots of rooms of the main court yard
filled with other stalls 

Two weeks ago Little Miss, my friend and her little girl went to Llanerchaeron a National Trust property .  It was nice to be the other side of a stall table and wander about although it was very cold.

Some stalls were situated in a small tented area and the property had lots of rooms off a large courtyard, these also were filled with stalls.  This was a bit we found tricky as the rooms were quite small and dark and Little Miss didn't like going into them as they obviously got busy as the fair is well publicised .  Some people
were pushing to get in and out of the rooms and it all got a bit much to be honest at times so instead we had a wander in the less crowded areas and just enjoyed looking around in the house.

Of course we had to see Santa

inside the house

The room was a little dark but 
the table was dressed for Christmas dinner.
It was beautiful..

I loved this dresser..

On the top shelf was a box of Kilner jars going back
"Donkeys years" 

Then time for a coffee and a 
little wander

The grounds were so nice 

I think this must of been the old orangery 

Beautiful vegetable gardens

The house has a working farm 
and a lake but it was 
too cold to explore more, 
we will be back on a better day. 
I bet it will be a lovely place
To visit in Spring.

Little Miss decided 
to spend some of 
her saved pocket money on these

Now  one has a red scarf  and I need to 
make the other one too... 
These were actually in the 
National Trust shop.
We bought a few edible gifts
but I forgot to photograph these 
before they 
were wrapped and posted.

The children have now broken up,
I did a bit of  Christmas food shopping today
and the shops were not as busy
as I thought they would be.
One week to go !

I am hoping to get some more of 
the red and white 
quilt stitched 
this weekend......

I found some plain fabric to back
The Christmas panel
hopefully that will be 
ready to show next time.

See you soon.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

As busy as a little elf.

wow, why is it days fly by when you wish they wouldn't and seem to takes for ages when you wish they would go quicker?  I'm feeling like that, so looking forward to the Christmas holidays yet the days are going so fast.  More unexpected last minute things cropping up. A dear neighbour whose husband is very poorly , needing a hug and a cup of TLC , a morning disappears, of course I don't mind ,  another reminder in the post, a few cards that the kids need to write but little man writes so badly and with difficulty and oh yes I would take seconds to do it but no I have to let him do it however long that takes.  He would happily opt out, but no, patience is apparently a virtue, one I do lack at times but not on this occasion .  His grip is as light as a feather and his writing is so light and faint.  He uses a keyboard so quick yet pencils unless he is drawing , well he just doesn't seem to want to hold them??? Occupational Therapy, Physio, we are all at a loss as to why .....but all now agree being 10 he is unlikely to improve much more in this department.

well this is me this week...

Hats made for the Christmas concert,  and it was fun...never made one before let alone two!!


I forgot how I love making pom poms..

A few more squares sewed....loving the red and white

Loving the little mat...ready for a certain Christmas plant which I will buy this weekend.......probably

Still waiting for two presents ordered two weeks ago to arrive..irritating..... But not the end of the world

beautiful candles burning, filling the air with the smell of cinnamon and spice....

Children opening advent calendars and checking off the exciting.

having coffee mid morning and looking at the radio times and although I am not TV mad , seeing some old movies
I may just have to see. ...hee  hee and drawing big circles around I big kid or what! My choices in red  and look like Rudolph noses.  , DH more neatly in blue.....

and the elves on the shelves arrived (these little characters are from a story written I think somewhere back in 2005ish....) anyway....
I love them.  My brother born nearest to me was 5 years older than, but I still remember we had something similar.  When I saw these, well I could not resist..I have told the children they help Santa
unpack the sleigh..."oh!!!!!!' " And "but they are small......they must be magic " and they are now in
the playroom "watching". And the kids love them..maybe as much as me.....  I have told the children (like the story) they tell Santa whether we have been naughty and good and that's why sometimes
when we come downstairs they are somewhere different because during the night they have like
magic popped back to tell Santa all the news and sometimes they forget where they were last sitting!!
Every morning I hear a pair of little voices giggling shouting "mummy they've moved again!! Where are they?"  More giggles as they run around trying to find them.  I love it, I think it brings me more smiles and giggles then them!

Anyway here they are

a boy and girl elf

Here are the lovely decorations Pilar made for 
me in the Christmas in July exchange
this year.
Loving the holly theme
especially as our village has a holly 
theme too..bushes of them 
down lots of the lanes..

I must admit we have acquired a few bits this year...not intentional but the white China animals were all around Β£3 each.....the elves a bit more than I expected but oh I love them!, and I know every Autumn and Christmas they will reappear and be loved. well we are not having made parties or "going mad" on presents for us, so "why not" I tell myself is Christmas after all and I never have much liked humbugs anyway!!!!!!

Christmas cushions ,and a couple of throws ,  a final touch ..... Now newly washed and on display...

Stockings hung off the staircase, we light the fire often and I always fear one stocking dropping onto it , so at this our still "new "house we hang them there...

Lists are not getting shorter yet!!! ....but they will especially when school finishes...

Presents still to wrap....

Mince pies  most days...

Tree lights still not to my liking!!! DH still laughing at me ...not fair!!!

Silly Christmas jumpers, hats and scarfs washed and ready to wear...even the kids this year rolling their eyes asking "do we have too? " !!!!

Little Miss first Christmas concert in her new unit... So proud, happy tears and two smashing kids running up to me out of the blue  and.  giving me a massive hug each for making the hats...
I sent in a few bits for the unit to have a little stall after the concert to raise funds for the new garden..
I think they sold most of it...more big smiles...

Loving reading blogs and seeing everyone else's Christmas , making  and anything festive in fact

I have received all my swaps now.... Exciting !!

and most of all we are healthy and happy and together...

See you soon

Monday, 14 December 2015

Oh dear!!' I wanted subtle but got bling!

The decorations are done, tweaked here and there and now everyone is happy.  Well now I stand back  and just potter my favourite thing... Nothing makes me happier than to potter.
We did consider getting a real tree this year, but memories of a certain spotty pupster made us rethink!!
Well dextie thinks every live tree is worth a tiddle against so old faithful artificial trees  again have been put up.  No doggie tiddles  inside thank you very much...puppy days are a pleasant distant memory , i do not want the repetition of when he was a pup and tiddles up again the Christmas tree again and again !!!
DH asked why we never have twinkling much to my regret ..oh my why oh why did I say go on buy what you want ?!?!  And so after DH Christmas shopping at Carmarthen , we went to Tesco.  Out of the blue I spotted a new lovely blogging friend who I met a few weeks ago dear Bovey Belle
we  had a huge hug , so lovely to see her, well her hubby and mine must of thought hey what's going on until we explained..lots of smiles and our men smiled when we explained, I am sure neither of us are up to embracing strange women in supermarkets !!!!! What were the odds of us bumping into each other? I don't know but it made me smile.
After a quick chat...
well  I let husband then choose new lights.....he asked what I thought and I said White or clear would be lovely.  I didn't take much notice what he chose. Well we came home and he was all smiles, said he just had to do the lights straight away!, anyway  he put the new lights on and I know he is a northerner but our lights would not have put Blackpool illuminations to shame. Green, blue, red and yellow, they have some sort of random sequence where they blink every now and then and then suddenly seem to explode a little time later into blast of colour like a soundless firework display...oh dear not my cup of tea,!!! but DH said they are the best lights ever!!!!! Oh dear!  Even now 6 days
later they still startle me ....  I will be happily sitting in my armchair, needle or hook of some variety
in hand and all of a sudden they are off again, a few dropped stitches have occurred as a result!!! And the worst bit..... The kids love them...they say they are the best lights they have ever outnumbered 3 to 1 I may just have to get used to them ......

Told you!!

What a week...  A lovely week.  Hats to be made still for the Christmas show...Pom Pom maker to find in the annex......need to find it to make bobbles for the hats..according to my internet "research" oh I hope they fit.   I have a few new projects to do with both children, one even little man I think will like, clay and cutters , so hard to find things Little Man may join in with... He might this time .   Next week is busy school wise , plays and concerts, parties and above all fun.  We are watching Christmas films and Christmas music in the background seems the
norm now at Breakfast and tea and when I fancy it in between . I find a Christmas jingle is keeping
me going on these dark school morning, when everyone is tired and so longing for the time off before
Christmas it seems everyone can still manage a smile and of course everyone who loves Christmas has a favourite song of course.

After all the Christmas making for gifts and the fair I have been so desperate to finish something
.....  anything that is just for us!!! Some new addition to our home, something ...anything!!!! Do you feel like that? Some non Christmas theme knitting is on hold..... The stitchery ongoing but that will take some time I expect today I took the afternoon off to have a play........

Well that was after we decided to leave the house for some fresh air , because for the first time in days it had stopped raining.   We nipped down to Llangrannog .  The kids had ice cream!!!! I know!! It was perishing cold but that's what they wanted????? Then we had a wander on the beach...

2 surfers were out ..they must of been bonkers'

This stream leads down from all 
our villages
it was so fast flowing
We have had so much rain..I was not
surprised at the amount... 
during the week water has been pouring  off 
fields near the main road ,
some little lanes have been flooded 
and little streams also on others.

The beach 
 was deserted but a few people. 
were in
the pubs and cafe
so we too nipped into 
the Pentre Arms..
they have a huge picture window 
overlooking the beach
and we sat there for a while
I was naughty, well it was after 1 o clock
and had a glass of wine 
and DH was driving so had 
coffee and the kids
crisps and lemonade.

It made such a change 
not to be stuck inside again
stayed at home 
as he had tummy trouble this week
and we didn't want him
to get car sick 
or drink sea water like 
he always does!


I have quite a bit of Christmas fabric once back home again I got
the  die cutter out, iron out (needs must very creased fabric!!!haha) big quilt square die out
and a hour and a bit later this little pile ready...160 in total enough for 40 squares....

lots of scraps too , (but another idea for those), usually these go in the reject bin but oh not this time

DH and Little Miss
made these while I was amusing myself .
Oh homemade baking smells

Coffee, coco , crumpets 
and these,
memories of December Sunday
childhood afternoons 
come flooding back.... 

A few more glimpses of decorations..

I love these deer, they  so remind me of 
my childhood in the 70's  when 
these  were in ours and my friends homes.

The elves on the shelves have arrived too
more about them another time
I just love 
the old style decorations.

Until next time .. 

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Watch out, is Santa watching?

My children although 10 and nearly 12 are well probably half their numerical age in what they understand and believe  ...they believe with all their hearts Santa is looking, reading their letters, mummy is texting Santa when they are cheeky or naughty..santa is always checking magic hidden cameras because he loves them and wants them to be kind...they believe in the magic and kindness and love of Christmas in their hearts they are probably both 6  but they believe in magic, sparkles, being kind, smiling, sharing , is that a bad thing? If only the rest of  us humans had that magic, wouldn't the world be a better place?

I asked my two what Christmas meant ..Little Miss,...... a baby born , being home and lots of fun and oh shiny sparkles and then presents and lovely food
Little school...playing lots...presents if I have been good  and oh steak!!!! Oh and leaving something for the deer and Santa
 Every year I record their reply and write it down in the planner and every year it changes , not a lot , but it does change.

I am still decorating ...... I had parcels that had to go off this week so the rest of the decorating had to wait... I still have to wrap our family gifts too but all the cards have been posted and I have one last parcel to send but I will do that this weekend.  Later I have to have a rummage for a suitable fabric for the hats I need to make.... I am happily stitching this

Nice to be doing easy sewing ,
no pattern as it is already printed on the fabric
and easy to pick up 
as I fancy without losing 
my place .

I have to line the back of the Christmas panel I stitched.....again need to find the fabric for that too. I may just may continue with the other Christmas quilt but no way will I finish it this year (again!!)

A little basket of knitting ...waiting

Little decorations .. 

A bit of crochet , I needed to make a little Christmas mat, it will be red and white.

A Christmas tree pattern

A easy little knit 
I have run out of filling
and need to pick some up, 
to finish it and 
a couple of other things..

I think the pattern was free on ravelry..

And in the post

Cards and gifts 
The above from Ellie my swap partner 
in a seasons swap 
earlier this year...

My card from Kimberley "Love made my home"
Christmas card exchange


Jacquie "my journey" 
sent me this beautiful
little Christmas pud

This year 
my first doing swaps has been
I have made lots of new 
"Blogging" friends 
I have had such fun and 
swapped with such lovely ladies.

Both children are having Christmas school dinners today....15 days to go and it will be our turn...oh my goodness.......
   Thinking of those poor people in Cumbria .......... and else where  ,  it makes me have a word with myself and get everything in prospective.....  hope this horrid weather stops so no more people have to suffer the loss of their homes, belongings and normality...

See you soon