
Sunday, 1 November 2015

22 degrees in November !!!

Yesterday it reached 22 degrees in West Wales, I or should I say "we" we're all liking that!!'

A couple of quick jobs in the garden and I then spent all morning until lunch in the dining room sewing.
I will have to wait,patiently for a new light to be put in the annex.  I have tried a desk lamp and another standing lamp but it is not enough so machining is still being done in the dining room as it is so bright as it has so many windows ...a great place to sew.  All I can see is hedgerow and robins, tits, sparrows popping in and out , foraging for twigs etc for their nests.  I have restocked all the feeders and it is a happy place to watch their activities.   I have sort of taken the dining room over  again...but try to tidy up every now and then and put things away back in the annex.  We can still eat in there , but "when" we can nail down a electrician to do the annex light and a new light in the kitchen will be great.  Here no one seems to want to give you an exact date.....they say Monday, but not what Monday,!!! next Monday? Fortnight or a month Monday? What Monday is anyone's guess.  Plumbers  are the same we have been waiting 2 months for one quote , bumped into him last week, he laughed and said "oh yeh, leave it with me" won't hold my breath...

The big Christmas panel is nearly, nearly there

And so far I have finished off 6 of the 8 small panels

I love adding the beads .

The evenings will I hope afford me time to finish the big and small panels off .  I have found some nice bias tape to finish of the big panel...must admit dislike doing bias ...need to be in a good patient mood!!  I think I will just do a plain backing as it won't be seen as I will hang the panel on a door.

I tried to make something for a swap but it has well and truly been flung in the "reject"bin!!! Will have another go today.

I made a couple of pin cushions for the fair, cheap and cheerful.  No one wants to pay much for anything here ...last year a woman stood at my stall for over half an hour and bought a Β£1 lavender
bag !!!!(and I know where she lives and her house is huge!!! She has loads of land here there and
everywhere in the village, maybe that's why she is so rich!!!!' She don't spend it! Made me laugh and
my neighbour though, even Little Miss shook her head!!)

DH and I  both having a day off (I know it will be my second after yesterday!!) but we are both a bit tired after such a busy week last week....(more posts later this week...picture problems !!!! ).  I will be
back trying to make a better effort of "something" in the dining room .    Have a load of scraps to put in bags for the schools and would like to try to do some more of that Christmas quilt.

More sunshine would be nice too.  I have planted lots of spring bulbs in containers , our man who tidies the garden has also put some in a flower bed  too.. I "found "some bulbs for indoors that I put
away on a window sill in the annex they have started to pop their little heads up out of the moss in the pots ..
..I have  lost the labels, but think they are hyacinths (they are pretty obvious are 't they?). and know some were miniature daffodils that smelt beautiful when in bloom.  They have all been moved to the front porch , given a good watering , so that will be nice if they flower. again.

See you soon .....


  1. We basked in glorious sun and are doing so again today, lovely.

  2. Its been a fantastic couple of days its hard to believe its November :-)

  3. fab weather for November! We have skipped spring on the whole and gone straight into summer - I don't remember wearing sleeveless dresses in October for a long time!

  4. The weather's taken a nosedive here, it's sooooo cold today, gloomy and foggy. I do feel for crafters who sell their makes, it seems the amount of work that's put in to something isn't taken in to consideration in the price that people want to pay.
