
Friday, 27 November 2015

The night drawing in and yet another storm.

The day has whizzed by.  First thing a weekly shop and then home to do some more sorting of boxes, contents sort of checked and a "seller" survival kit (labels, pen and paper, painkillers( I always pack these, heat and noise , well it can trigger a headache believe me ..I love Christmas music but sometimes it is so loud!!!, sellotape, pegs and big markers and price cards packed.  Food and drinks will be done in the morning)

I have done many stalls and don't have practice layouts anymore.  I know how I like to lay the stall out and always seems to get compliments and smiles so I hope tomorrow it is just as appealing . I only iron for crafting and
table cloths for stalls and the very odd shirt!!! The kids often ask when I iron what am I doing?!!!!

Yesterday Angels were threaded with ribbon and priced which itself took over 2 hrs with Little Miss' help.  She is SO excited .  Tonight she will hang the Angels on the trees and I will put the trees inside big  bin bags to transport.  Trial and error means we do this job in advance , some Angels fall off but the majority stay on and it will save some much time when laying the table out.  I have a girl coming with us to babysit Little Miss for me for the first time ever. she is lovely with my sweetheart, she  will take her to the loo and just make sure she is safe, does not wonder off , make sure she can have fresh air breaks if the noise overwhelms her.  When it does (hopefully) get busy I need a extra pair of hands to keep Little Miss safe and this girl has experience of working with disabled kids and hopefully will help with holiday respite for us in the future.

The dining room is a complete is full of "stuff" . I have so enjoyed making stuff for this fair,  and also gifts for  friends and family, many different things, using my "new "sewing machine (bought last year) with ease because now I know how it works...I love it so!!!! my DH says when he pokes his head around the corner of the dining room , when I machine, and I do it in huge batches , he laughed because I am so quiet!!!!

On that note..take care everyone, see you soon, such high winds tonight ..hope tomorrow is better..

On that note


  1. Hope you have a big sell out tomorrow. Yukky weather here too. Windy, rainy and cold.

  2. Hello Maria,

    I wish I could send you some sunshine, have a good day at the fair.

    Happy days.

  3. I am sure it will go well - I'd be buying lots of your amazing gorgeous craft items if I was there!

  4. Have a great day at the fair. Hope it's nice and busy for you xxx

  5. Have a good day at the craft fair, I hope the weather dosent put people off going.

  6. Firstly a HUGE THANK YOU for the nice fat envelope which arrived yesterday! There hasn't been so much excitement opening an envelope since I don't know when! I had a "quilt shop moment" where I kept turning pages and thinking, oh that's lovely, and I must do that, and that, and . . . I will reciprocate . . . Rest assured that last night I was picking up my linen and cross stitch needle and threads for the first time in over a year!

    I hope your craft fair goes well for you and that your daughter enjoys it as well. Your helper sounds like she is worth her weight in gold. I hope you will take a photo of your stand.

    1. So well bits arrived and you are enjoying them honey.xx

  7. how exciting. Hope you have a great time and sell everything after so much work and preparation. Horrible weather here too.

  8. fingers crossed that all went well x

  9. I hope you sale goes well, you sound well prepared. We used to sell secondhand books at country markets so I know what you mean about a survival kit!

    1. Thank you Sue, survival kit is essential isn't it?
