
Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Finally. . A make or two

Two posts in one week I must of found some of the oomph after all .
goodness it seems a while since I made anything, but the last few days , weeks , I have been busy with the normal things in life plus "entertaining " the in laws over Easter too but I have been disappearing and trying to finish a bunny cross stitch..nearly finished, hopefully for the next post ?

I also stitched these up with felt......

This is my favourite I think
I love this patchwork felt .

Then a bit of buying....
I didn't need them , have no particular project in mind but I REALLY wanted them!!! Ha ha.
I have bought the odd fat quarters here and there over the last two years  but have been relatively brilliant
for me (!!!) and not bought hardly anything fabric wise . Then I saw these on a favourite on line shop just before Easter.  Well I did not impulse buy.  I put them on my wish list and as I try to do , I left
them a few days (though I did pop back to have another look once or twice..hee hee) and then
because I still really loved them still days and days later I ordered them and they arrived a few days
ago. .

The children had been to soft play on respite and the postie arrived and I think he thought I had gone bonkers or was making a pass at him as I exclaimed "oh am I pleased to see you" grasping my little
parcel to my heart!!! After he gave Dextie his usual cuddle and biscuit he looked up and all I said was
"fabric" he gave me a smile and nod "for me it's fishing tackle" he said  and was on his way .  Each to their own was one of my Dad's sayings and that immediately sprung to mind.The dining room table
was clear ...very unusual , but I am trying to tidy up as I go along...we'll see how long that lasts.  Anyway I sat down , and one by one took them out of the parcel..

Some of the fabrics are by Tilda

I adore pastel colours and duck egg blue
Is always a favourite colour of mine 

I couldn't resist 
these grey theme fabrics
which go so well 
with duck egg

and these are teal

aren't they pretty.? 

The colours are beautiful, just as lovely as they looked on line.  I really have no idea what I am going
to make........but that's part of the fun for me ...decisions...decisions. I a group of patterns printed out and collected from magazines etc so I will not be short of inspiration.

Little miss has been busy too.  She has made all these lovelies and has quite a production line going !
She has been eyeing up the new fabric but I have told her it is all mine... She just giggled and the glint in her eye said "we'll see!".  She has already earmarked some dash wood fabric that she found in the stash ...... I do love watching her , comparing colours and putting fabric combinations together.
She has started under supervision to do some ironing now too.  It is only the fabric she wants to use
On her projects , but as with the sewing machine , she is calm, safe and patient .

coasters and tissue holders
different patterns 
and sizes

stash busting at it's best 

And more 

This hat she made at DT at school .. She brought it home, she made it for me..I am so proud .xxxx
She told me Daddy had helped her to measure one of my other hats so she got the size right..clever girl!

and last but no means least , the Easter swap arranged by Kimberley over at Creative Chaos

I was partnered with Lyn from Australia who does not have a blog.  I missed the post for the swap partners and so we were late posting which was entirely my fault.  Lyn was so gracious though and we posted but our swaps arrived a little later than Easter.

Lyn sent me these lovelies

Lyn was so kind sending sweets and gifts
for the children.

A beautiful pouch , I love it ! and the ceramic egg is
just too pretty for Easter
it will have a new home on 
one of the egg cups on my dresser. 
Soap and tea bags too

This bunny coaster is so lovely
it now sits on a 
table with a vase of daffs nearby.

And I posted these

Some painted eggs, sewing kit
and embellishments 
and buttons

Adhesive fabric, the Apple  was bought , but I
added a couple of charms.
The owl pin cushion and the Easter feltie I made 

and Easter would not be Easter without sweets
because I was worried chocolate may 
melt I sent a pouch of marshmallows
hot chocolate drinks and some 
English sweets.

Another lovely swap
Thanks again to Lyn and  to Kimberley
for arranging it.


  1. I love Tilda fabric its so soft as well great quality, I use to sell it in the shop and when the shop closed I added all the tilda to my stash along with lots of other fat quarters :-)

    1. Tilda is fab and as you said the quality beautiful. Hope Sol is on the mend after the tooth out

  2. What a lovely post, love your Easter creations the first one is my favourite.
    Fabric as much as we resist it eventually we hear its call :)

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

    1. Absolutely...sometimes you just cannot resist. Fabric is one of my weaknesses for sure.xx

  3. Love you beautiful Easter projects with the felt bunnies, a real delight. Such a wonderful array of fabric, you are certainly going to be busy.

    1. Thank you, the bunnies were fun to make and the fabric well, I could not resist.

  4. Dear DD
    I can see why you had to get the fabric - it's lovely!
    I have been partnered with Lyn for a couple of swaps and she is a wonderful swap partner (you are too, of course!)
    Best wishes

    1. Lyn was a lovely swap partner as you were to Ellie. Great time hear you are having sewing adventures...I am a bit behind reading blogs and commenting

  5. Your swaps are always so lovely.
    Little Miss is quite the seamstress! Excellent work!

    1. Thank you Vickie. My little darling is having lots of creating fun...hard to keep up with all the cutting out she wants me to do..xx

  6. Lovely swap gifts - and I love your fabric (and the story about the postman πŸ˜„). And what a wonderful hat! It gorgeous!!

    1. Thank you dear Kim. Me and the postman always seem to have a laugh...poor man, I am sure he thinks I'm the mad woman in the village!!!!

  7. So lovely to catch up with your news! I love your fabrics and can totally see why you were so excited to receive them. Happy sewing! xx

    1. Thank you Amy, still haven't used any yet...still feasting my eyes and keeping Little Miss' hands off them ! Xxx
