I must admit my darling girl found the most hideous deer ornament.. I tried to reason with her, but no she was adamant ...
She loved it ( she has a thing for deer and mice) so it was bought for 50p on condition once washed it stays in her bedroom!!!!
Remember the green Bon Bon dish I found this to sort of match...again 50p.
Slightly different shade of green, but lovely all the same...
This little sweetie
is going to be turned into a pin cushion
I have seen these on various sites
and are usually a few pounds
More when changed into pin cushions
I bought her for Β£1
The lady there , in the warehouse is so friendly and we have become quite frequent visitors maybe once or twice a month......"yep" said husband "she sees you coming and wonders what tat she can
unload in your direction, that's why she smiles when she sees you!" I told you , he has no soul!!!
Though I did laugh because he is probably right and I bet she was joyous to get rid of the deer ornament ..."saw you coming" sprung to mind. Anyway she had a nice little bag of good linen which
she had put to one side , she told me she thought I would be popping in sometime. That was a
donation to the lifeboat charity bucket .
I now have a bin bag full of linen to be pre soaked, washed , probably washed again and sorted . At this rate we are going to be way on course to start making
some crazy vintage quilt things. I can't decide if the linen or China are the most addictive!
I am not after any sympathy.... I am at that age when apparently things start to appear and go wrong like arthritis ..... (According to my big sister who I never argue with bless her !!).
especially if your in your late forties , female and there is a history of it in your family. Tick all of those boxes for sure!
Do you remember the fingers, well now my knee wants to join in the fun!! I was wondering when it was and it must be about 4 years ago. One day I came home in the rain and pupster who was nearly
fully grown, anyway he was big, came spreeding down the narrow hallway to give me his usual
greeting, (jumps up and gives me big wet licks!!!) anyway he slipped on the wooden floor and
crashed into my knee knocking it one way, the pain !!and within a second as we were both trying to
stand up and get our balance he slipped again, and smacked into it again with all his weight knocking
it the other way. Well I was breathless, you know that pain when your brain well it is trying to work
out what the hell you have done? It wasn't Dextie's fault just one of those things...look at him who could be cross ?
So I have a bit of a dilemma. I was hoping for one or more raised beds this year but with husband
banned from any manuel work and my dodgy knee and hand I am wondering what to do. I have already bought some seeds and have some huge tubs here and there so maybe I will just have to see.
It is early spring after all , things change , as long as I have some salads , toms and some kale in and
of course beans at least that will be something. . I have bought some seeds for micro greens and once I have made some space on the kitchen window ledge will be getting those going . I have volunteered to start some extra tomatoes and herbs off for the new unit as they do lots of cooking too,
and I thought the kids would enjoy the smell of toms and herbs growing too.
Nothing apart from daffs to show in the garden yet, even my tree lupin in a bit tub looks half dead .
The mole is having a great time in my front garden
blinking thing. This lot in the last two weeks again. Some "helpful" soul told me you must have lots of worms in your garden, great I thought but my gardens are mainly borders and hedges, different matter if they were for veg!
Last count 23 mole hills !
Everyday at least one appears!!
The bird feeder came a cropper in the last high winds and landed the other side of the front garden so I need to either try to repair it or find a replacement. Even with a dodgy knee never a dull moment here.
On Saturday, a blue sky bright day we took the kids and Dexter to Aberporth beach and had fish and chips for lunch overlooking the sea. On the way home, not far from home we had a stand off with a rather large sheep, the lane was narrow and it squeezed past the car eventually. The next farm we stopped. This is a lovely farm, and I knocked and told the farmer s he probably had a loose one as the markings on it were red and blue and I sort of remembered her sheep have the same. She sent her son and his mate off on a buggy thing to recapture the sheep , which she thought was one of her Rams. "Keeps getting out " she told me "don't know how though". I joked he was probably feed up with all the
noise his offspring were making and needed a break...she laughed at that. She asked if the kids
wanted to go and have a peek in the lambing shed which of course they did.
It was rather noisy
this distant picture is where the
Ewes in various stages of labour
The farmer said this has been quite a unusual spring with so many triplet lambs being born. More work and expense for her as those they can't get adopted by the ewes with only one lamb end up having to be bottle fed . We stayed nattering for about 10 minutes (we did the same thing last year too) , as always she had some local gossip.
Afterwards home and a hour printing off some patterns , then picking out some fabric and just a lazy evening watching movies . I need to get some bits made for fund raising for Little Miss' unit and a spring craft show.
Today the sun is shining and I may forget about the pile of ironing with my name on it and do some making instead... The dining room is awash with bright light seems a waste not to enjoy it.
You certainly picked up some bargains, I loved the deer to there was something about it that appealed. Take care.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet little cow for your pincushion. I am sorry about your knee. I can relate with the arthritis pain. Especially in the rain I suffer. The lambs are adorable.
ReplyDeleteOh I love the little deer, it would be just the thing I would go for & I like your little cow too xx
ReplyDeleteLove your finds! And you're not hoarding, you're adding to your collection
Supposedly mole hill soil is very good for planting seeds in - because it is nice and fine - so perhaps some kind soul could gather it up for you to plant your seeds in! Moles are very irritating though aren't they. Hope that things improve with your knee! xx
ReplyDeleteOh my, those mole hills are something to see. What's the plan to get rid of them?
ReplyDeleteoh the mole hills - I've never seen anything like them before! Did giggle at the husband's comment but your daughter's response is gold!
ReplyDeleteThat's some mole hills you have there lady! I see that dawn actually gathers the dirt from hers for her veggie beds. Sorry to hear about the arthritis playing up, I know exactly what it's like. Your daughter is priceless and so correct. You two do make your home beautiful for the boys. Way to go Little Miss!
ReplyDeleteaww! I like her little deer ornament .. and she has the right attitude a house that has no ornaments and is "minimalist" is not a HOME xx .. mind you I am a bit of a squirrel too! lol x
ReplyDeleteYour Dexter is so handsome, I forgot to mention that above.
ReplyDeleteBig tubs for growing veg are the same as raised beds, only a different shape!! You can even use some of your mole hills to help fill them (the moles make a fine tilth from their digging). Tell you daughter she has good taste as that little deer does have something about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about your knee and hope that it doesn't become arthritic.
Always love seeing what treasures you find. π Xxx